Saturday, 22 May 2010

Didnt finish on time! Not happy!

Attaching the bottom and top part of the cabin was fairly simple and then filling it and creating it seamless was pretty simple too. I then went to prime with lots of time left to sand and then spray final coats.
The primer was too thick and cracked and started melting into my styrene vacuum formed cabin. I quickly sanded the primer off with wet and dry and water. I was very annoyed as it had ruined all my work the previous day making it sooo smoooth and sleek. I quickly tryed to sand it out, but unfortunately my time was running low.
I decided to spray plastic primer on both the hulls and cabin as i was too worried that the normal primer would ruin the surface even more. I then sprayed two layers on both the cabin and hull of white paint. This was definitely not enough for the final coat. The grey plastic primer was still slightly visible underneath. I attached two 0.5 mm pieces of acrylic for the windows.Time was up and I temporarily assembled my model.

This model should have been complete yesterday and today should have been allocated for finishing touches.
I feel that If I had had one more day the model would have been completed to a much higher standard. And I also feel that If posed with a situation like this in industry, I would be able to stay through the night working on finishing the model.
I am happy with how the model has come out with the slight exceptions for the damage done by primers. I think it could look much better with the final coat and some added details, such as its thin blue stripe on either side of each hull and small hand painted detail on cabin. And scaled items bought from a model boat shop to add detail.

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